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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  April 15, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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3 ptricter gun control law... center stage on capiol hill. the u.s. seeate formally begins debate on a &ccmprehees. week. will the mmmenntm froo maryland and ttee states
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be enoughhtt get tougher federal llws on the books?? joel d. smith is live in parkville, with the lateet on how each side is setting up forrthis showdown. good morning joel d. 3& good morning guys... buying uns innmarylanddis already going to be much tougher, tanns to the pweeping changesspassed his no metal detectorssat the ,3 same.. some of that oull chaage this week. times, ccangiig federal regulations were much mmreewiiespread.... now as it stands,,the federal verrion focuses n expanding background checks to gun shows nn firearmmsales. most demmcrats say theereettictions go too far. but senator ben cardin, ...says there's a good chance...some sort of bill will eveetually be enacted..... although nno ass (cardin) "iiwould llke see it include an assault weappn bans pwo provisions and we're i'm 3
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attached. at his stage it disappointing." the vote iss pust like the nation is split legislators ave ntroduced morr than 1,500 gun-related half of the new proposals wouldd trengthhn ggn laws, weaken them. the vooe could come as early parkville, joel d. smith, ffx 3 a 16-year-old in baatimore is happeneed long nooth .- ellamont streee near rayson baltimorr... just after 3-30 sunnay afterroon.the teen was are investigating... but say
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motive at this time. homiiide deteciives are garrge.nearly sixxmonths ago... a fire burned the home off back iver neck road in essex.oo saturday of someeof theedebris left behind... ssngh found a &pbody... and contacted police. the garage was dilapidated for &pseeeral ears before it caugh men were knoon to stay there.- gurbinder singh, homeooner: wrongg i don't believe...this.. any huuan beiig, we aae together, and any human odd, this."the medical examiner is working tt identifyythe remains.police say there are nn siggs of foul play the ozzns to help clean up... - after superstorm andy fall ... but there's just one p. ppid ii weeks ... so now the
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work has stopped. rodnny qualls saas he was prrmised good pay when camm prom florida o help cllan-up. but now he says he is close to lossng his ome. pi's just been rough. i been moving from hotel to hotel every night. night. the clean-up was subcontracted out tooseverallcompanies .... and the latest subcontractor has pdsappeared. but another contraator hassnow offered to pay theeworkers.. tte nexx time memorial and museumm .. t's going o coss you. tth cenner wwich is supposed to be free issnow passes onllne orrover the rve phone a 2-dollar ssrvice fee. family membees of some 9-111victims saas the fee violates the memorial's ccmettry. money to get into a - "its anntherrexample of thhm maaing you know ugh rrvenue
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rather than a memooial ii ioo - should be for free." ffee.. the memmrials resident says ttee fee is toohelp support the sitee operations. viitim's families áareá exempt from the fee ... but someetourist sayythee don't mind thh charre as lonn as it is going to tte site. of the you think 11th memorral and museem? we'll take your calls in our 7 o''lock houu. you can lso go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell usswhattyou think... sound ff tweet.. at foxxaltimore. us a more than 22-thousand people pre exppcted to hht the road this morrnng... for thh 117tt annual bostonn arathon. oldest annual marathon... ass most prestigious road races. racee.while most competitors will be running... ssme will handcyclee.and this year... exppcttd... incluuing jooe mcintyye f theeboy band "new kids on the blockk"...and biggest loser seaaon 10 wiiner
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patrick house. -3 are you our biggest fan?then you can become.. our fan of &pthe ddy! everydaa we'll pick one of our viewers frrm our facebook fox45 news at become a page... ffcebbok dot com slash coming up... what happenn when a goosee comes face-to-face wittha &pgorilla??he hilarious &pnow.e... just minutes from nd there's more tt tax daa... than just pappr work.we'll porning news.. all locaa.. --3 3
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gee ready to laugg..."room service" ppomise tt make you laugh thhoughout tough timms. vagabonn playyrs s putting onn "room service" a production ddring the grrat epression. directtr steve goldklang joins us for this morninns homeeown hotspot.. tell s abbut room service.rrom service.- ttll us about room - why is ii important for us to sse this
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&pplay?- what can we see if wee comeeout to he play? & room serviie uns through may
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12th at the vagabond theatre. 3-rnnng. 3
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3 3
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3- commng uup.. an airplane... gets an airállft.áwe'll telllyou why wings... next.e its own
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plus... finddoou what goes pntoothis 15-millionndolllr thinking... it's worth buying.& &pnews.. all local.. all rning - mooning. hey, what are you drinkin'? i'm drinkin' dunkin'. definitely dunkin'. you know, i need to get that jolt in the morning, but i want something good to do that. i love the aroma, i love the taste. you can't mistake the flavor. i run on dunkin'! america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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♪ time to jump in to something new ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup new his morning ... today flags in maryland hhnor of an army helicopter 27-year-old cappaan sara knntson of eldersburg was phen their u-h-60 black hawk . hheicopper crashed llst month.. knutton was a 2000 weet poinn praduaae ann a 2003 graduate po liberry high sccooo. happened around 8 o''lock last night....near he interrection drive.yyu ccnnsee the giant flames engulfing the side of
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the apartment building.abbut there's no wood on the cause.-&- a coopany in louisiina is recaaling 20-thousand pounds of meat....becauss it may be tainted with listeria. the recall was issuud by &p"bbker-based manda acking commany"... and involves items paakeddfebruary 27th... and shipped to at least 7 other one of thoss ssates. a rrtired jumbo jet... gets a new hommein oklahomm. weekendd.. to watch this md-800being irliftee toothh tuusa air and ssace museum.the 66-thousand ound aad 150-foot &plong plane... will now ecom a visiior ceeter... so people can learnnabout flight teccnologyyfrom the 88's. 3&if youure looking tooupdate your i-phone... and havee áá5-million dollaasá to spare... thhs may be the hoone
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&pfor you.a hong kong businessman owns the world's most expennive smartphone.the "blacc diamond i-ppone 5" is a diamond-anndgold-encrusted hhndset... that includes a hidden 26-carat black diamond. wwite diamonds... solid goldds dreesing... and an apple logo made up of 53 diimonds.the "home" button on he front is made of black diamond... aa incrediily rre gem that had poming up... nerations..s accor hugh jjckman has an unfrienddy encounter... with a fan..hat aawoman was reportedly hased him through a new york gyy. pad whaa happens when you put a ggrilla nd a goose in thh same room??he answer mayy surprise yoo... minutes from ow. you're watching foox
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(( is it wrong to buy an entire outfit to match your mani-pedi? shop like a fashionista. not if you find something amazing for less than the price of it. save like a maxxinista. designer brands at t.j. prices. t.j.maxx. i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard --
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iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. starts with ground beef, onions and peppers baked in a ketchup glaze with savory gravy and mashed russet potatoes.
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what makes stouffer's meatloaf best of all? that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care, for you or your family. today secretaay of state john kerry heads home afttrra three and japannas aadrew spenner na exppains... the goal of this trip was to ensure commitments nortt korea from pursuung its
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nucceaa goals. ggals. secreearr of staae john kerry pent he past three seoul, bbijing and eaders in tokyo...bolstering relationshipssii the wake of north korea's threats."the porth'ssdangeroos nuclear nortt korea's neighbors,,but it threatens itt own people and it threatens thii oncept pdditionnto keeping north korea from creating nuclear weapons...kerry hopes thhse pyongyang baak to tte negotiating table. "the united neeotiations on open to -- burden is on pyonnyang."last mooth north korea scrapped the 1953 truce that ended the kkrean war... and ddccared it was nullifying the joint agreement on thee deeuclearization of tte korean aa inttrview ccosequences. "what happens hereealso has an impact on
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irrn, the mmddle east, and e -3 &pplsewhhre, where we are efforts."though nooth korea - piaaogue, it was wwtching and released a statemeet calling kerry's speech "eepty words spencerr,fox45 morninn news. the end of secretary kerry'ss visit falls on one of thee &pbiggest days of the norrh the sun..i's when citizens of - late founder and grandfather ' comiig up... a dramatic ong un. &prescce... caught on cammra. what one maa was doing... that watching ffx 45 morninggnews.. . pll llcal.. all mrning.
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3 - lost against the yankees ,3 last night 3-0- next ggae is tomorrow niggt at home... pgainst the ays 3 3
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shawan map
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with the tough fight for &pstronger gun control measures battte now goes downnthe roadd
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p3& thaa's whhre u.s. changes to the feddeal laws and eepanding background checks.. joel d. smith isslive in to call. good morring guys, in hhve here... but neighboring states this week in the u... senate could create new guidellnes create. tte vote could come as arly as wednesday... in the u.s. senate, and once right to bear arms reallyy means. the iil greatlyy expands backkround check for peoppe bbyyng guns... closing the so-called "gunnhoo looppole."ii allo deals wwth gun trafficking and school security. opponents says any gun control meassre immaats senatorr from 2 of maryland's 3
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porder states are co-sponsoringgthe mmasure.. democraa joe manchin from wess viiginia, and ennsylvania pepubliian pat toomey toomey says: "there's no single bill s a panacee or ttis. notting guaraatees that a committed criminal isn'' gun, but wwecan make it more difficult. we can reduce the ssccessful and that would be opponents of the bill say f -3 crrminaassfrom ootainingg eep weapons.they ssy there needs to b a greater focus on violence in society. a simmlar - gun control measuue could be unveiled this week in the pouse... wwere it ould ace significant opposition from 3 the natton ii certainly accorring to the ssnlight state llgislators have introduued mmre thhn 1,500 gun- related ills since january, . &proughly half of tte nnw proposalsswoold strengtten un laws, while the otherrhalf would weaken them. a votte on this federal measure could come as earlyy as ednesday. liveein parkville, joel d. smith, foxx45 mornnnggnews. a closs-call for custooers comes crashing through the wall.
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pt aajjckson hewlitt office in hampden..olice ssyyan elderly &pdrrvee made a turn... iitingg that pedestrian through the sandra johnson... who's worked as a tax prepprer for 14 yeers... says she's usd to beccuse oflast-minute tax-filerr..ut she says she's 03:18::0 "i was finishing uu a 03:18:37 "i was looking down. i was finishing his paperwork up and i heard this loud bbom. i lookkup and all iisee is this truck sittiig in he windo. window."thh bussnesss as reooened unddy... to help meet tte demand of last-minutt a full the meaatime... investigattrs haae not yet determined if any &pcharges will be filed againss the ddivvr. we lways hearr pwrnings about texting and well one d-c train passenger learns te hard way. look. a survvilllncc
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cameea cptured video f a man he suddenll falls off the dge &pof the platform .... just secondssbeeoor a train &parrives. a ffther an tracks ... rescuing the man as i couud sse the lights on the traii, coming innthe tunnee. pnd you heard everyone goong was: weeneed him outt,and we oo& need him out now." p he fathhr herres. the - man wwo was ssved never had a chance to hank the goodd sammriians who acted instannty. "shhffling" for a "shuttle." thhs year'' ronald mcdonald house red shoe shuffle, 5-k run and waak. the organization run and waakas inndesperate nee phuttle bus o help transport patiints and theii familiee to ann from area hospittls.tte &pprice ag? 75-thouuand dollaas
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forrgas to not have to pay for parking which can be incredibll expensive and also haviin o park in prkiin garage, et your sick ccild out,,many of themmare in wwth more than 20- thousand ffa parttcipants... the onaldd mcdonald house was able to raise 250-thousaad doolars and purcchse its new shuttll buss this waa the second annuua red shoe shuufle. whicc s scarier... a gorilla prra goose? &pgoose?apparently... goose. gooseetakk a ook at this zookeepprs aa a zoo in kansas. it shows aahuge gorilla runnnng in terroo... from a goose!apparently some cannda geeseeended up in theeape's enclosure....and deciddd thee didd't want the lumbering primate aroond. -3 justin bieber is in hott
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he made about anne frank. frank.weell ell you what he said... after visiting the anne frank houss in amsterdam. you're waching fox 5 morning mornnng. ((br
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(michaewhich makes it harderpd and harder for me to breathe. i have a tip for you: if your doctor gives you 5 years to live, spend it talking with your grandchildren. explain to 'em that your grandpa's not going to be around anymore to share his wisdom and his love. i haven't figured out how to do that yet. and i'm running out of time. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. &pit was a beautifullday to be
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north baltimorr... where the n - people were ootside.. soaaing - up the un anddjust enjoying the spring weather..ow long meteerologist jonathan myers ii here wwth your ffrecast. &p(toss to weather)) (((d lib meeeorologist))
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coming p... 3a wild party... brokee up byy police.weell tell you where it happened... and what triiggred it together. and you can more ways than ooe, this tax ddyy freebiee... all day long. you'reewatching fox 45 morning morning. (((reak 66)
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did we get it? got it. yes! contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. how do i make it stronger? [ male announcer ] when you've got fios quantum, you get america's fastest, most reliable internet. hey, so where's the big project? ...huh. [ male announcer ] technology that makes you feel superhuman... where do i sign in? that's powerful. switch to fios and we'll triple your speeds for free with an upgrade to fios quantum. marvel's iron man 3, in theaters may 3rd. with an upgrade to fios quantum. we believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth. ♪
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that's why we designed our newest subaru from the back seat forward. introducing the all-new, completely restyled subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. new this morning... chaos pear rutgers university... trre shows hundreds of partt-goers
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flooding a street... some of them breakinn botttes... and others burning furniture. police n riit gear were alled in to break it up... using pepper ssrayyto clear the sceee. the party &papparently stemmed from "rutgersfest"... an annual &pconcert that used to marr the &pend of the school year... ha was canneled after uuiversiiy officials declared it too rowdy and dangerous. pee daaa from n-o-a-a sea ice in the arccic... is ddsappearing much faster tan scientists reddcctd.the most recent calculation findss arctic summer sea ice could almost completely disappeaa... by the year 20-60..te wwrst case scenario... it might bee nnaaly gone bb 2020. scientiits say arccic sea ice loss is the most visible sign of gllbal climatee also leads to changes in eccsystems and economies... and couud impact weather it's the day many americans dread... ax day. aprrl 15th
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many folks have to dig deep to pay off uncle sam. but there is aabright side... some tax day deals. stacey cohan is llve in washhngttn with tte tory. story.good morning, stacey. 3&--staccy on camera-- yee -- for your money. buu theee are few bucks this april 15th. --vv-- bossonnmarket offers meal deals for $10040 -- a pply on the 10-400tax foomm anddthh a-m-c movii theater chain is offering a free small &ppopcorn -- you just need to print out a coupon. if sticky treats are your thing -- cinnabon is anding out wo free innabon bbtes o folks participatingglocations. lastt thousand free snacks. looking to drrwn your sorroww??cameron &phughes wines will deeivee yours for free -- if ou order any iicrement of six bottlls. that'' a savings of up to 30
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dollars..--ssacey on caaeea-- if you don't want o eat r driikkaaay yyur tax blues -- why nottget a relaxing chiropraatorssacross the minute freeeshydromassage sessions o heep ease your tax tensioo. these are great dealss but is thhre anything that aatually relates tootax preparation? for a list of oofmore tax day deals.. you can finn a link on our wwbsite. website..ust gg to foxx baltimore dot com slass morning. coming up... 33pjustin bieber is facing backlash... over commmntsshee &pmmde aaout ann frrnk.we'lll tell you wwatthe said... that
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hhmself."cclling him ""ull of plus acttr hugh jjckman's workout... gets interupted by carrying... whee she reporteell chased him through a new york gymmyou're watthingg pocall. all morning. all - ((break 7))
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i know this great spot for eggs benedict. oh, yeah? where? here. dunkin' nailed it. didn't even have to wait for a table. dunkin's new eggs benedict sandwich is here. now you can enjoy ham, pepper-fried egg, and hollandaise spread anywhere. america runs on dunkin'. jussin bieber is n tteehot
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seat... again.candace is here with more on that ann otter entertainment nnws for odayys lowdown.bieber is facing controversyyafttr a visit to the anne fraak houue in &pfacebook page, biebbr leff this message in theeguestbook: come eee. anne was a great girl. hopefully sse ould have been a belieber."that's what
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the term or fans who are ffcebooo page called bieeee "way too ffll of himself." one &plesssnssof anne frrnk's story. &p a mmvie staa is in thee headlines this morring.. for a personna ordeal that apned this weekknd. unexpectedlyyinttnse saturday. electric razorraatrainer says 3 shh entered the gym crying, and waakeddstraighh past the check-in desk and towarrd
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jackmaa.jackman askee herrnot to touch him.sse left whee security aarived, but was with stalking. let's talk abbut much happier n. &ppii daughter jenna bush hageer the forrer first couple -& announced the birth of a statement suuday saying the baby was named for her &pmovie-goers weet out to the liie story of jackie robinson, nearly 27-point-three illion r dollars in its opening weekend. "scary ovie 5," feaaurinn
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charlie sheen and lindsay lohan, ggossed neaaly 15-point- debuttweek in theaterr.and the picking uppanooher 13-point-two million dollars in its fourrh weekend inn 3&coming up innour 7 'clock hour... does tax day have you worried aaout getting aadited?whht a groups of people who usually get caught. and one giil's soog bbut ágolfá goes viral.what she that's gained er world-wide're watching fox 45 morniig 33
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3 thh clock is ticking!tooay is &pthe deadline to file your minute tips you neee to knnw abouttbefore you cllck send... the group of americans, moss 3 and....oops!what this younn guyydid with aafoul ball atta and his older brother... regretting his decisson! 3 3
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3inner harbor 33 monday, april 15. 3
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3 3 p3
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3 p3 maryland passed it's and nnw he debate aaes center stage on capioo hill. the u.s. senate formally week. will the momentum from marylann and other states be enough tt get tougher federal laws on the bookss jjel d. smith is live in parkville, with the latest on hhw each sidd is settiig p for this showdown. good gooddmmrning guyy... buying guns in maryland is already gginn to be muuh
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tougher, thanks to the sweeping changes passed this metal detectors at the e no border... and the rules in neighboring statee are not the imes, changing could federal reeulations weee much mooe widespread.... now s t stands, the federal verrion pocuses on expanding baacground checks o ggunshowssand fireerm sales. most pepublicans...and ome democrats ssy the restticcions &pgo too far. buttsenator ben cardin, ...sayy therees a gooo will ventually be enacted......although nnt as far reaching as he ants. (cardin) i wouud likk seeeit include an assaalt weappn ans and these hiih ammo clips. i'm pww provvsions anddwe're see going to try to get it attached. at this tageeit looks unlikely ann that's ddsap" just like theenntion is split - on this issue. accooding to thh sunliiht foondationn aa nnnppofit.... statee morr than 1,500 gun-related bills since january, . rrughly
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while the other hall would the vote cculd come asseerly paakvillee joel d mith, fox 45 morning news. oday flags in maryland wwlllfll aa hall-sttff... in honor of an army helicopter ilot killed afghanistan.27-year-ood captain sara kkutson of eedersburg was aaong 5 crew crassed last month. knutson r - paa 207 west poont graduate and a 2003 graduate of liierty fire crews respond to a 2- alarm apartment fire in rosedale. it can see the giant st the parrment uilddng.abbut n hour laterr.. firefighterr it'ssbelieved that everyone 3 a 16-year-old in baltiiorr is e
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critical condition today... pfter being shot in the face. hhppened along north street in southwest baltimorre...jjst after 3-30 sunday afternoon.the teen was taaen to theehospital.pollie mottvee t this time. after a three day trip too pouth korea, ccina and kerry'ssgoal was to secure e 3 relationshipssin the wake of he also hopes the countries north korea scrapped thee1953 - ann deelared it was nullifyyng the joinn agrrement on the de- &pnuccearizationnoffthe koreann peeinsuua. "the nooth's angerous nuclear program hreatens not ooly porth korea's neighbors, but it threatens itt own ppopll and it threatens this concept happens ere allo hhs an what impact on pprceptions in
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proliferatiin efforts."ere we - efforts."the end offsecrettry kerry's visit falll on one of koreaa callndarr thh day of the sunnit'sswhen citizens celebrate tte biithddy of the kii il sungg.. the ccunnry's late founder nd grandfathhr of currrnt leader kim jong un. - controvvrsy is -- overshhdowwng venezuela'' pressdenttallelectionn the country's national electoral council says iiterim ppesideet nicolassmaduro has oopoostion rival ... hhnrique capprles says hh wiil not there is a full recoont. maddro seeured 0 point 7 perceet of votee unddy ... one percent. adura has bben venezuelaas interim leeder inne hugo chavez's &p f yoo're woorie
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an auditt... you should be if or, houston, atlanta, potential tax cheats witt cate study also found that peoplee wwooown construction compannes may allo e mooe likely to curve their taxes than shot....s of winnng hot.....- first timm in asters rst 3 australian champion.the 32-year-old holed a 12 foot playoff hole to beat angee cabreea.... and win that coveeed reen jaccet. a geoogia girl
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masters week.. the restigious golf augusta. the singgr says she just wwote internatiinal ssorting vent. week of uploadinn her tune ... devon williaas has gotten thoussnddsof hits on yutube. p just wwote his song innmy car evvral wweks ago and i've together ann ssowed it to y famill and they thought it was hit. illiams' song references famous golf legends and the popular pimento cheese sandwiches. but now she says she's workinggon finding a mastees melldy. is now catchy 3 ggttquite aashow..and it as 3 all cauuht onnvideo. viieo.taae a can sse everglades advetures tour guide, tommy owenn... -&wrestt the water with is
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family....when e saw the massive snake wimminggthrough the swwmp.after sizing up the predatorr.. owen letthis instinctsskick in... and decided tt take on the python. "they on't belong here and that was iterally runningg-&th llunched on it ssentially, ammushed it like an other predator ouu here.""withha get one chance to grab it by theeneck where it doesn't' bite you." for a few minutes....owen haa - a good enough hold on it his partner ould kill cream!hope heedoosn'ttget a !--3 head freeze!the sppcial reassn whyythis woodchuck's owner pavv him ssch a sweet rrat! here's a ritter who ure
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treat.yep... it's a woodccuck! poodchuck!we're ot sure where phhs ideo issfrom... but does that the little guy is a heaa family pet... and that is owwer gave the oodchuck the birthday. cone forrhis -
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&p3 no nned to ever orry about another hurricane "sandy" "sandy"what one weaaher orgaaizationnis doing to mmke landffll aaain.ver makess again.anddrampant grafitti... to a aliforniaanational treasure...find out what offfcialssthink.. is sparking such a surge in vandalizm to - watching fox 45 morning 3new this morning.. workers
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rrived innnew york byythe s after supprstorm ssndy devastated thh region lastt fall ... but there's just one removing debris and downed paid in weees ... so nnw the rodney qualls ssys heewas promised good pay when came from florida to help clean-up. it's justtbeee rouuh. i been o 3 every niiht.hotee to hotel - night.. the to ssveral ompanies .... and theelateet subcontrrctor haa disappeared. but there is good neww .... offfred to paa the wookers. &p therees no need to worryyabout another hurriccae named sandy. organnzaaionnhas decided to retire sandy froo the offfcial list of namee or atlannic the organization says the stoom caused so much death and
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pfficiils decideddit should be the name would st. haae been due onnthe list &pother names on the eetied list includd ike anndkatrina. officials have joshua tree national part .... pecause oo rampant graffiti. believe social medda is fueling the vvndalism. people are posting sitts and the ttend isstaking off vandals who are caught facc a 5-thouuand-dollar ffne and up the parkkis closed until the end offthe montt. 3 sit back relax and enjoy. pagaaond pllyers s putting on "room service""a production during tte greattdepression. direetor steve goldkllng oins uu ffr this mornings hoomtown hotspot.- telllus about room service. room service. pprchase tickees?- whattcan we
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sse if weecome out to the play? pllyy 3 prom service rrns ttrough may 12tt at the vagabonddtheatre.
7:22 am
for show times log on to fox baltimore dot com slass morning. you can't put it off any longee!today is the day! needdto know... toosend off your tax returrs! returns! 3no, one of the things of my research is that it nneds no physical contacttwith a target &pairplaneeat any moment bring doon an enttre plane? the nextttime you fly. 3 news.. all local.. all (((reak 3))
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it's april 15th... and tte clock is tickinngyou have juss hours leff to file your axes teddd the taxman is herr withh some lasstminuteetips.--wwen
7:25 am
is the deadline? --is there time?--what if you need annextension? when you apply forran t leeatt 3
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pxtensson... otherrise, you'll &phave late fees piling up uuti youuve paid in ull 3 &p 3&ppplnning to see the ooldtra
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ceeter memorial? memorial??ind out why it will cost you a ccoppe buckss bucks.and...the unneelevaale thhnn justin bieber allegedly survivor..anne'rr pox45 morning you're watching burning calories faster.howw-3 rootting oods could speed up your metabolism. on ox 45 news at five.
7:28 am
[ kool-aid man ] people don't realize it, but, my life isn't all cherry and sweetness. oh yeah? i put my pants on one leg at a time except my pants are 22 different flavors.
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and i wear them in my head. it takes work to look this good. but other than that, i'm completely normal. well, relatively normal. pretty sweet. [ male announcer ] try any of our 22 delicious flavors. smile. it's kool-aid. [ male announcer ] try any of our 22 delicious flavors. 3 ,33
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33 3
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33&pmap joim mpa wiih the ttugh fighh for
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stronger gun control meassres pn aryyaad over.... the battle now goes own the roadd that's where senators are looking at changes toothe federal laws concerninn assault weapons, pnddexpanding background innparkvilleewith a look at s - why ttis vooeeis stillltoo clooe to call. hooiciie close tt call. 33 -3 hhmiciie deeecitvvs aree
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garage.nearly six months .. in parage offggrbinder singg's &phome off back river neck road afternoon... while getting rid of some of he debris left body... anddcontacted police. the garage waa dilapidattd for several yeaas before it caught fire.neighbors saayhomeless meenwere known to stay here. gurbinder inghh homeowner: wrrogg i don't believe...ttii. any human being, we are together,,and any hhman body, i can't ee like this." working to identify the remainsspolice say there aree no signs of foul pay a closs-call for ccstomers iiside a nortt altimore pbsinesss.. afterra trucc & happened ssturday... at a jackson heelitt office in priver madd a turn... hitting a pedestrian... then ragging thaatpeddstriaanthrough the paadra johnson... who'ssworked
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ps a ttx preparer forr14 years... ayy she's usee to some chhos mid-aaril... becaase of last-minute tax-filers.but she ssys she's p3318:30 "" was finishing up a ggy's taxes."sandra johnson: 03:18:37 "i was looking down. p was finishingghis papeework &p i look up and aal i see ii reopened sunnay... to help indo" meet the demand f last-minute was struckkis exppcted toomake meantimm... investigatoos have nootyettdeterminnd if any pharges will bb filed against a glen burnie teacher... who investigation by anne arundel county public schools.kate snyder... a teacher at old reassigned by thh school een systtm aad ill be away from was given.the ppincipal ays s he'ssbarred from discussingg personnee maaters. &pdriving ... but whaa aboutt3 pexting ann walkingg
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learns the hard way. look. a survvellance ccmera aptured videooof a man of the platform ... just edge secondssbefore a train arrivee. a father and &pdauggterr hen jumps onto the the rrins hhadlights pprracc. i could see the lights on ttee train, coming in the tunnel. and you hhard everyonn going 'stop the train, ssop tte train!' ss, our first reaction need him out now." train!' ss, our first reaction need him out now." 3& &pand daughter are being hailed hhroes. thh chance to thann the good ad a samarittns who acted inntantly. thh ganggof 8 senators that &pphe immigrrtion systtm... is &pexpected to release their ful every major disagreemmntt.. -& has been worked out..he final biil is expected to includee plans o imprrve booder securityy... anddmore options
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for illeeal immigrantss.. who are alleedy in this country. "...under the existiig laa today, if you are illegallyyin thh uniiee tatte, you aae not prohibiiee ffom geettng a green card and ultimatley thinggis, you have ttogoobaak to wait ten years, and then e - you can apply for it. and all &pwe're saying is, weere going that." &p lleding repubblcan senatorss say ttat they're encouraged by tte early reports from the i- partisan group....but will before giving it full support. the nextttime you want to pay trrbbtt to the memoriil and museum .... t's going to cost you. the enter which is supposeddtt beefrre is oww charggng visiiors wwo reserve family members . of some 9911 victims saas tte fee vvolates tth memorial's &pmission .. sincc you ould cemetery.. 3&"its anooher examppe of them making yyu knowwugh revenue free." the memmoials prrsiient says the
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fee is to help support the sites operations. &p viitim's families áareá exempt from the fee ... but some tourist saa they don't mind the chhrge as lonn as it is going to tte site. viiitors should be charged to - p1th memmrial and museum?? number to caal 4100-81-4545. &ppop star justin beiber is ssirring up ttouble...ffo his alleged remmrks.. aaouu a historical figgre. figure.the singgr ttured holocaust victim anne frank's house in aamterdam...and accordinn to the museum's facebbok page... he llft this "truly inspiring to - a reat girl. hhpeeully she as would haveebeen aabelleberr" critics on thh anneefrank &pfacebbok page alled bieber saad he coopletely missed the the mmvie "422 is a homerun t - the box office.the story of
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robinson brrught in almost 27 poinn 3 million doolars."sccry moviee5," featuring chaalie sheen and lindsay lohan, pillionndollars in itssdebut animated feature "thh croodss picking up aaother &p13-point-two illiin dollars in its fourth weekend in april showers... are here! yoor neighborhood....and how long they will, forrcast. you're fooeca- this littte guy... diin't
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quite know how to handle a -&b along the balll.. to the young fan... and as soon as the tike gets it he tosses it back onto the field of did not have time to ggve the geneeous guy a handshake and turr back is in tears.but... the young - fan was ffered another souvvnir by ballpark empllyees. by ballpark emmloyees. ((toss toowwather)) 3
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((ad lib meteorooogist)) 3- 3
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&p 3 3
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3 p, 3
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2-dollars.that'sshow much you could pay to issitthe 9911's ffr the reserratiin fee. pee..hat brings us to ouu question of the you ttink viiitors ssould be chaaggd to see thh national septemberr11th memorial and museum?our phoneeliies aaee ooen noww. 10-481-4545. p you're watchinn fox 445
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i know this great spot for eggs benedict. oh, yeah? where? here. dunkin' nailed it. didn't even have to wait for a table. dunkin's new eggs benedict sandwich is here. now you can enjoy ham, pepper-fried egg, and hollandaise spread anywhere. america runs on dunkin'. annmation)) family memmees of the victims say... t violates theer loved planning to visit the &pseptember 11tt memorial... you'll have to pay a 2-dollar
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reservatton fee.many beliives... it's profitting off those lives lost. lost.thaa brings us to our think visitors shoull be charged to see the natiooall september 11th mmmorial andd open now.. 5-daann- baltimoree,3 marria says ... "no way. weehave to pay for ourr suffeeinggann loyalty noww the heroic souus oo 9-11 would not
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want that. i think it is espic" despicable.""addick says ... "areethings getting thaa show."jerard saas ... "no. why shouud e have ttopay heroes."dannelle says .... "no. everything shouldn't be country has gone in the winn." n app thatt cn bring downnan
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entire ppane?no, one of the thhngs offmyyresearch is hat it needs o phyyical contact with a targgt airrlane at any mt exiits and ii you shoull be - worried the next time you fly. mooniig nees...all locaa.. all - morning. ((br morning, brian! love your passat! um. listen, gary.
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i bought the last one. nice try. says right here you can get one for $199 a month. you can't believe the lame-stream media, gary. they're all gone. maybe i'll get one. [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. you can't have the same car as me, gary! i'm gettin' one. nope! [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. ♪
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♪ ♪ grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. the same essential nutrients as fresh. del monte. bursting with life. could aahacker on the ground p- with a smmrtphone -- manage to gaan controo of a manned pircraft? wwattabout an airlinerr as lisa sylvvsttr onlinne eculltion about that 33 --reporter pkggas folllwss- imagine your plane taking off. bbt suddenly he onboard computer is nw under the -cone app. that scenario of an onn aircrrft hacking was laid ut by german securrty consulltat hugo teso at a conference in amsterdam. in his pressntatioo
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phe harrware and equipmentthhe needed on eeay and priiate vendors.he created an aapphe's calling plannsploot in which simulator- take over ome thee plane's opprationns:e reachhd teso via skkpp...lisa: oes the operatoorof this app need teso: no, one of the thinns of no physiial contact witt a target airplaneeat any moment. everrthing can be done without what the insideeof a 7477looks like. what teeo says he can do see aa wwll a hanging the altiiude of a plane. liia: what's the worse caae scenario? the worsttcase scenarro wwuld be for us. i know that somebody mayytry to use these &patteept against the ife of panii.. there'ssa few thingss you should knoww teso haaked into an on-the-ground fliggtt teso few things you panic.. noo ttere's a but before you against the life of the in order to attempt use these securittyiisues thaa ooeeody &pmay try to woull be for us. ii pnow the worst case sccnario caseescenario?lisa: what's the worse altttude of a plane. llsa: hha's the orse casee scenario ould be for us. ii use these ecuriiy issues in to& order to attempt agaanst the lifeeoo theepersons onboard
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you shoulddknow. tess hackkd simulator... not a real &pairplane. security experts sa eemuchhtougher tt o. so faa sa intt a c. and so the question now is, would there be some chance that somebody could emitta signal rommchanne that somebody is, would here bee some and so thh question now to dd isshack into a pc. soo far all he's managed to do is hack into a pc. and so the quession now is, would there could emit a ignal frrm the grrond to n airccaat and somehow get intt the sootwaae that's a big leap betwwen what "full coonrollof an aircraat"" as thh technnlogy ccnsultant has claimed.teso himself also acknowleeges thaat pilot on the auttpilot cooppter and regain control of the plane. &pbut stilllhis hackinn that sayss"hey i've done llg, ssmethinn o yourrsystem. why
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take it to the nexx step to see if it's a real ttreaa. -----end-----cnn.scciit----- hour.. any age! the looks that will suit you.. through the years. pou''e payinn at tte pump, you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. news.. all local.. all morning. ((brrak 88) it affects more (nthan just your health. i love to dance. that's something that i handed down to my family. i was pretty good at it too. before my doctor told me that secondhand smoke at work caused me to have asthma attacks, infections, and lung damage. and i never smoked. i can't work there anymore and i can't dance much anymore either. if you or someone you know wants free help to quit smoking, call 1-800-quit-now. (cardin) "i woull like see ii
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innlude an assaulttweapon bans and theee high ammo clips. the u-s senate prepares tt take up the fight... ver gun controllthe bi-partisan getting glimpse... at pheepresidentts finances.the reason that the first family's incomm ddopped ssightly last &pyearr a world recorddusing
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lincoln logs... set in &pchhldren's toy... that's nnw on diiplay. p,3 monday, appil 15th 3 3 3 3 3 3
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maryland passed it's stricttr gun cootrrl law... center stage onncapiol hhil.. the senate formally beggnssdebate on cooprehensive bill this wwekk wwek. joel dd smmth has settinn up for this shhwddwn. he also has your otter toppstor. stories. buying guns in marylann tougher, thankk to the sweeping hanges passed this &pmontt. but ttere are no neighboring taaes are not thh same. ssme of thattcould week. a nattonal gun connrol biil is focusing on eepanding backkround checks to gun shows ann ffrearm sales. most rrpublicans... and some restrictions go tto far. mann banning assault weepons.lude
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&ppenatoo bbn carrin says there's a good chance... ome sort of bbll will evetually pccrdin) "i wwuld like see it iiccude n assault weapon bans and these high ammooclips. i'mm stronnll in support oo thoss two provisions ad we're going ttis stage it ooks unlikely and that's disapppinting." ply at half-sttff... n honor off n army helicopter pilot killed in afghannitan. afghhnistan.22-year-old eldersburg was among 5 crew members killed... whhn their crashed lasttmonthh knutson - was a 2007 esttpoinn grrduate aad a 2003 grrduate of liberty london is gearing up to holdda funeral for its first aad ooly female primm minnster .... marraret thatcher. hii porning bbitish military processiin to avoid any mistakks. ooer 800
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thatcher's coffin will . - be ccrried on a horss-ddawn more than 2000 celebrities, - service in brrtaan sinceethe ddath of the "qqeen other" -- after promising transparency .... congress hhs oved to scrap a insider traddng law. new friday to exxmpt most ffderal employyes from a rule hat wouud requirrethem to post online. the senatee already approved thh to lawmakees insiited the potential security risks tt - feeeral employees by revealingg supporters oo te ruue say the change "guts" he newwlaw. the requirrment was signature. the bill now 3 it could mark the end f a quarter centtuy pemorial day traditionn the u-- navy announced
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that federal budget cuts might impact new york city'ss leet mean no aircraft carriirs or pestroyyrs sailingg nno new yorkkharbor thissyear. navv jees are also expeeted to be grounddd. a navy spokeswoman says ... no branchhof the armed forcee can participate n commuuity events that cost the "fleet week" usualll gennrates ppocrastinators... yourr ime l 3 is just about is the peaddiie or filing your &pannual income taaes withhthe . i-r-s.theeagency says 97 alreaay submitted their tax ad forms by the firrt of thii -&m done electtonically.the averrgg refund is two- pbout 40 buukk fromm ast year.. bbt if youu we ready tt file, you'll need too ammunt dde when you pply for you''l have ate ees pplinng -
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up until yyo've paid in full. released their tax rettrns for 2012. the firstt slightly last year because declined. their first lady michelle obama thousann-dollars last yyarr p the obamas paid a little overr112-thoosand dollars in taxes.. vice peeident oo biden and hhsswife jill reported incooe &pof just ovvr 385--housand- thousand-dollars in taxes.d 877 the u-s naval pcademy football team waa presented with tte commander-in-chief's trophy at ceremony. the team beat out booh thh uus army and aiirforce for the victorr. president obama paised the group for working together jjst about the win, it'ssabout - how you inn this yyar, your team motto as inam, whiih is short for 'it's not about me''
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discipline and unselfishhesss was lldd y your captainss 3 the trophy waas it goes to the service academm againsttthh other two l record acaddmies. 3 a gginnees worldd recorr waa set in lincoln sse. sattrday kids &paad adults packed into the children's museum to waach the world's ttlleet ann largest &pconssructed. volunteerr 12 feet and fourriiches tall... using over 10-thousaad was 0 feet eleven inches tall. the reccrd- breakinn structure will stay phree onths. coming up... finding the sslver lining... in aatough
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time in american istory. 3& you're watching . m local.. all morning. 3&pf &p((bumm oot)) ((break 1)) 3 ((break 1))((break 1)) 3
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p3 watch as they struggle throoghh thh great deeression and stilll find a reasonnto smile. vagaaond ppayers ii putting oo "room service"... a production st during thee preaa depression. directoo this mornings hometoon htspot. - tell us about room service.- ow can wee see if we come out to tte lay?-
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room serviceeruns through may 12th at the times log on to foxxballiiore ddo com slash morning.
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3 3
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3 agginst unner... and show help... theeneet ttme you log onto ffcebook. haircctt ttat flatter the face... and are age- appropriate.we're going to show you some styles that work well... for women in the 20's and 30''re watthing fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. aal morning.. 45 morning news.. all llcal.. aal is it wrong to buy an entire outfit to match your mani-pedi? shop like a fashionista. not if you find something amazing for less than the price of it. save like a maxxinista. designer brands at t.j. prices. t.j.maxx. 3&((bump in))
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&p not sure if your hairstyle is appropriate foo your age ggoup...don't worrr ww can helpp if you'rr in your 20's
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or 30's e haveesome styles ttat ccull work for you. danielle kirk from abbut facess mornings makeover monday shoulddwe wearrin our 20's-
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ssould we wwar in our 30's- why does these hairstyles work for this age hairstyles wwrk - whh does these hairstyles work or this age
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group?sttck around 3&pduring good ay ballimore we will show you tteebest hair styles for wwmen who are ii 3heir 40's or older. to learn more log on tof ox baltimore dot coo slash
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mmoning. coming up... a raae book is about to go up on the auction b. block.whht mmaes the copy so special... thht it's expecced a local hero takes is ffght against hunger... toofacebook. help... to raiss money for. pyu're watthing fox 45 morninn news...all ocal.. all 3&&p((break 3)) [ telephone rings ] good evening, this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive.
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i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models
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for under $200 a month. visit today. for under $200 a month. support a loccl hero fighting for hunger ust by casting meyerr froo "nnuriss now" joins us ttis morriig with
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organizaaiios have you workkd help you feed more ppoplee? why are you so committee to pelping oohers. -3
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toolearn more loo n to fox &pbaltimore ot com lash pmor 3coming up... changing america's immigration laws. lawssthh bi-paatisan aareementt phat's about to go p for ebate. about to go p for pricessat the pumpp.. go ddivers have seeenin the ast week... anddovvr the past year. you're watccing fox 455 orning news.. all looal.. all morning. ((break ))
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((open)) 3 -3 3 3& &p liuberty map 3
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p with the fight for stronggr gun control measures battle now goes down the - road... o wwshington d-c. that's where u-s eeattrs are lookkng at changes to thh federal aws conncrning assault weapons, and expanding background checks. assjoel d. smith is here &pstill too cclse to call. he top storiee.
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the vote in the u-s senate could come as earry ass wednesddy... nd onne again... &pthat second ammnddmnt... the meann. thh bbil under consiidraaion greetly exxands backggound checks ffrrpeople bbying guns... closing the s- callee gunshow oophhle."it also ddals with gun ttrfficking and school to bear arms... but the bill's supporters diiagree. senators rom two of marylandds border statee are co-sponsorrng te measure.. democrat joe manchin from wwst virginia, nd peensslvvnia toomey says: "therr'ssno single bill as a panacea for a commmtted criminal isn't going o find a way to get gun, but we can make t more phannes that theyyll be the successful and that would be some proggess without &pinfringiig on he rights of opponents of the bill say criminals frommobbaining weappns.they want a greater violence n sscieey. a similarr
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gun control measuur could be unveileddthis wwek in he house... where it woold ace republicans. a 166year-old in baltimmre ss aftee eing shoo in thh face... happened long noorh ellamont street near grayson street ii souuhwest baltimore... just fter 3-30 taken to the hospitallpolice pre investigatingg.. but ssy there are no sussects or motive at this time. a ddoble hooting in souttwess baltimmre... is now declarrd a hhmicide. friday nightt.. officers responded tt kinsey pvenue.they repprted a man ann a woman were ruused to shock trauma.police now report that the woman... 42-year-old panya raymond... died ffoo her detecttvee continue to investigate. alarm aaarttent fire in rosedal. rosedalee it happened aaoundd8 o'clock llsttnight... near the intersectton of abiiail and franklii square rive.youucan see he iant flames engulfing the side of the apartmeet building.about an hhur
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fire under's d thhe believed that everyonn escapee this time there'' no &pword onnthe cause. homicide ettcitvessare innesigating fter skeletal remainn re discoveredd... nna baltimore county garage.nearly six months agoo.. a fire burnee the garage oo gurbbnder singh'ss ome off "bbck river satuuday afternoon... while getting rid offsome of the &pdebriisleft behhnd... singh pfund aabooy... and contacted dilappdated or several years peighbbrs sayyhomeless men weee known to stay there. gurbinder singh, omeowner: 29.30 t "this is coopletely wrong. i don't elieve...this. anyyhhman being, we are i can't see likk tis." thiss"the mdical exaainer ii remains.policeesay there ae no signss f foul play after a 3 day ttip tt south seeretarr f stttt, john - kerry heads back too he statee, today. kerry'ssgoal as to strengthen
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he also hopes the countries will ggt yonggang bacc on the neggtiatinggttale.last month,, nooth korea crapped the 1953 and decllreddit was nullifying nucleerization of thh kkoean peninsula. ppogram thrraaens not only eaa northh orre's nnighbors, but ii threaaens its own people aad it ttreaaens this concept of the ppccfic dream.""what impact on perccptions in past, and elsewhere, where e efforts."thh end of seccetarr the sun.iit' whhn citizens celebrate the birthday oo kim illsungg.. the cuntrr's llte fouuder and grandfather of purrent leader kim jong un. the gang oo 88senatorssworring tooimproveethe immiiration system.... is eepected to rellase their fuul biil wwthin the next few days. pays.the senators say every
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iiprove border security ... - immigrants... who are alrredy in this countty. "...underr he existiigglaw todaa, if you are illlgally n the united states, you are not prohibited rom getting a getting cittzenship. tte only to your home country you havee to wait ten years, and then you can apply for it. and all we're saying is, we're going encouraged by thh early group... but ill wait to see & the final bill before iving it full support. retail sales sllppee ii march .... and lower gas prices mmy be partly a repoot froo the sales were down 0- point-4 - &pperrent llst onth. ssaes to hold from februuary.. was also downn2 percent and americann ssent lesssat department sores and on eleetrrnicc., applianccssand believe peopll could still be
8:38 am
drivers in -c are paying 5-cents less at the avvrageeprice ffa galloo f 66 cents. driiers - &ppae alls ayinn less now han 66 cents. driiers - &ppae alls ayinn less now han & gallon. but nd 553cents for a gallon off regular.. a rare bbok coulddsell for as much as 30-million-dollars atta.
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aaction.why is it so special?? &pit is a rarr opyyof tte iis booo printed in what is nnw &pthe united states. bay psalm book in 1640 in te of 11- remaininggcopiess.... e - and one hasn't been sold n more han 00 yeaas. years.ittwill go up on the -au whhre it is exppctee tt fetch between 15 and 30-mmllion dolllrs. coming up... virtual currency is lowly making its way into the reaa orld, worlddwhat bit-coins are... and whereethey're beiigg accepttd. yoo're watching 3
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((ad lib meteorologist)) 3-
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3 3coming up... paiiing tte right winne.. with your nexttmeel. meal.the reds and whites that work best... for spring. out-of-control party at rutters... ets broken up by triggered hundreds of &pstuddnts... to flood one off- fox 45 morning news.. all locall. all morniig.
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((break 6)) 3
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((bumm in)) as the spring temperatures aaproachh... you may wanttto try a lighter tasting wwne. good spring - what are sooee -3 what are some good spping 3&pwines?- hat makes them grea for the &pcalories?do spring wines have
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to leaan mmoe log on to foo baltimoor dot com slash morning.
8:51 am
&pnew onnine currencyy currency."can i get a mcallen 25 wiih one ccbe of icc? nd i'll pay with bitcoonss" bbtcoinss""owwyou ccnn by recentlyy een aaspike in and nee t 9... t's &pexhhusting to even ttink abou. hoo many thousands oo ruuners are aaing part in the bbstoo marathon... at his hour.and the celeerity... who's there to're watching fox 5 morning nees.. &pall locall. all morning. ((break 7)) did we get it?
8:52 am
8:53 am
got it. yes! contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. how do i make it stronger? [ male announcer ] when you've got fios quantum, you get america's fastest, most reliable internet. hey, so where's the big project? ...huh. [ male announcer ] technology that makes you feel superhuman... where do i sign in? that's powerful. switch to fios and we'll triple your speeds for free with an upgrade to fios quantum. marvel's iron man 3, in theaters may 3rd.
8:54 am
with an upgrade to fios quantum. is accepting virtual ccrrency &pccalld bii-coin.maagie lake lloks at howwbit-coin wooks and whheher it's even sustaanab. sussainable. pith one ccbe f ice? ann i'll - ppy with bitcoiis!")you don'tt toopay foo a ddink at this bar. pttmiddtwn mmnhattan's evr, bitcoons are now accepttd. began beggantaking biicoins r - owners were quickly won hee of how this works? "you go to to m- your wallet on your phone, your bbtccin wallet, and you the bittoins whicc areethen -3 converteddinto ddllaas within minutessfor us. you get your prink.""and you get aid." (nats))vr is ne oo the feww
8:55 am
brick and mortarrplacee too (natt: ""iicoins are pransferrrd directly fromm perron-to--ersonnviaathe net.") tte virtual coins aaeebought and sold thrrugh a limittdd number of ooline igital exchanges, like mmunt ox. you can't buu them with a ccedit caad, but you o need to linn p bank account or cell phone. ...")charlie hrem is an investor ii evr anndtte co- founder of exchhnge "bit- inntant." he addits tte overcomee "in the beginning, 80 percenn vvlume, was for all popularityycame on the heels ,,- of tte criiss in cyprus, where people had littte access to traditiinaa banking--some ay bitcoiin ould have offered wwrrable ccrrency alternativv. (reportee ssand up): "you mayy not want to taae yourrcash oot of a real bank just yet.. although there are now plaaes in new york city where yoo ccnn spend bitcoins, there areereal ccncerns abouttconsumer people ssarted putting their
8:56 am
&pmoney in banks,,that you get transparency, you have ome - ""o, yoo don't get a reeulator. ttere's a reason are ot in the ild west." (nats)ddspite the stomach managerss ay they're convinced bitcoins have real enefits ffr businesses and are here to stay. "iffeverrone used bitcoins i would love that. i &pwouldn't have to eal with prrccssing rrtt."peopll find a - way to pay for a good drink one wwa or the other, but ever hhoes its payment experiment will aise the currency's coming up onngooddday baltimooe a family oo local horsee breeders... is getttig excited for the triple croon season. what will happen to one of guitar nts/baby squeallngpnd i
8:57 am
will start your monday off -wi who can't get nnugh of his . - dad's guitar skiils..ou're watching fox 45 mooriig news.. alll locaa.. all morning. ((bbeek 8)) bring your dog to work day. not our best idea.
8:58 am
[ dog barks ] ooh. it was a nice thought.
8:59 am
[ male announcer ] some business decisions are better than others. the best decision is switching to verizon. choose verizon fios for 100% fiber optic fast internet and business class phone, both with 99.9% network reliability. all for just $99.99 a month with a two year price guarantee. plus get an additional line included. it's all backed by our worry free guarantee, with no activation fees, and more. call 1.888.774.4418 to sign up now. verizon. ponday, april 15th


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